Saturday, November 28, 2009

Climategate swept under the rug by world leaders

Allen Priest

So we have had reports from the Wall Street journal, The New York Times, and Reuters all reporting on the emails that were discovered by hackers that proved the very proponents who were pushing global warming, were in fact very aware that the earth has been cooling for decades.

The emails from the Climate Research Unit number over 2,000 between many "climatologists" who work for the United Nations exchange over subjects such as hiding the decline in temperatures and other ways to manipulate the masses in to accepting man made global warming as an absolute fact. The reality is that many people are waking up to the truth about man made global warming. The fundamental basis in which the theory of man made global warming is founded on goes against all other science. We all know that carbon dioxide does not drive temperature. In fact it's the exact opposite of that. When temperatures rise, carbon dioxide levels rise. The man made global warming theory is not based on science. It is pure propaganda. One may ask them self why the establishment would want to brainwash people about the destruction of our planet.

Have you heard of the carbon tax?

The carbon tax, climate tax, environmental tax, global warming tax, what ever you want to call it is on the horizon. We are talking a global tax on meat, diapers, toilet paper, gasoline, oil, electricity, water, all food, animals, mileage and all other facets of human activity. You breathe? Tax. You eat? Tax. You drive? Tax. You get the picture. In order to pass this tax globally, the majority of the population of the world would have to adopt this theory as a fact and feel passionate enough about it to "stand up" against man made global warming and "make a difference" no matter what the cost. Through emotional television programming along with other slick propaganda tools like Al Gore's An Inconvenient Truth and the adoption of this mindset by many celebrities, many many people are following suit.

In the coming editions we will continue to expose the fraud behind the claims of these people. Thank you for reading and stay tuned . . . . .

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